July 28, 2005

All done!

Well.. I'm going to say it... I'm pretty much done nursing :( It's been a real battle. I nurse Eli only about once a day.

Elijah is one happy baby... so it's all okay.

July 9, 2005

It's been a while

I thought it would be so easy to post on here.. daily. HA! Life carries me away at times.
Today is July 9th - Elijah you just turned 5 months old! Wow - you are changing so much and so fast. I only breast feed you about 10% of the time now. It's been rough for me to stop - but I guess that is the direction we are heading. I felt like a real failure. I keep telling myself that it was a up hill battle considering I was asked by your doctor to supplement starting the first week and all the problem we had with the tongue tie issue. I feel like I gave it my all. It's important you know that.

I want you to know that it's 1am.. you were up for almost an hour. Are you going to start sleeping through the night soon? please? please!

My girlfriend from back home is going to visit next. I can't wait to see her. I think it's going to throw her off the deep end visiting me with 2 kids! Denise has none - yet! We hope to do a little scrapbooking :)

Love you!
