April 22, 2009

This is Going to make your Head Spin

This morning we received an email from AT&T stating that our "service order" was complete. What service order? I decide this requires a phone call from me. (note: me and customer service people don't get along too well)

First - I need the phone number. AT&T provides a link to the phone number (would it have been too difficult just to give me the number) I call... then go throw 2 minutes of talking to a robot... grrr... say "yes", "I see you are calling from 920-....." say "no", "I do not understand your request, can you say it a different way"

Finally I get to a real person. She asks for my phone number... grrr.. the robot knew my number, how come you don't?

The lady then goes on tell me she has to ask my permission (due to some new federal law) to sell me their products crap at the end of this call.

AT&T"Do I have your permission?"
Me "ah.. NO"

I go on to tell her about my email - this service order.

AT&T: "Well, that is what I was just talking about - the permission"

me: "what? I want to know about this service order. I didn't ask for any change on my account"

AT&T: "the email is to inform you that we added to your account that we have to now ask your permission to sell AT&T products"

me: "are you serious? You spammed me ... now I had to call you to find out that you now have to ask permission to sell your crap? Is that what you are saying?

AT&T: "I wouldn't use those words - but yes"

me: "well thanks for spamming me and wasting my time - It's nice to know you have to ask permission now to sell your products but that it's still okay to spam me. Have a good day"


Is AT&T being run by the government? Because they seem about as efficient.

April 4, 2009

My week without Facebook

I have a part time job from home where I work as a social media specialist. I'm not so sure on the "specialist" part. But that's what they call me. A lot of my work is dealing with facebook - since it's so "hot" right now.

Earlier this week I was creating fan pages for a client. I created one too many and facebook assumed I was spamming and I got the boot. Kicked off facebook. At first I was stunned, shocked even. What was I going to do? I used my twitter account for the rest of the day to vent my frustration. On facebook I have mulitiple accounts that I use for testing and advertising purposes. What I lost was my personal account - with all my friends.

All this happened on Monday - today is Saturday. You know what? I'm still alive! I had to ask myself - do I really have 160 friends? Or were these just people that I've met? I realized that maybe my friend Mark Slippy could be right - "Facebook is a great time waster".

I'm spending the day outside - enjoying God's beauty. What about you?