June 26, 2009

For the Birds

Here's an easy frugal treat for your feather friends. The kids will love to make these Peanut Butter Cones and the birds love the taste!

Ingredients: bird seed, yarn, pine cones and peanut butter.
Tie your yarn on first - trust me, it's less messy then after the pine cone is covered in peanut butter and bird seed.
I microwaved the peanut butter for 1 minute. It's easier to spread when thinner.

Learn from my mistake - maybe this is a better outdoor project. The peanut butter can get messy :)

These were quick to make! We made 9 of them all together.

Hang these tasty treats on your trees for the birds. They will even use the yarn for their nests!

Do you feed the furry and feathered friends in your yard?

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