July 16, 2008

Looking back...

It's been a little more then 2 weeks since I started writing down my grocery spending here. Rremember, it's not just groceries/food that comes out of my grocery budget. It's everything else - clothes, entertainment, prescriptions etc. There are two things that stand out big time!

1/ I need to stop going to Piggly Wiggly. What happens is I need one or two things... but I never get just those things. If I just stay away from the store I don't spend money! I need to just deal with what I have at home.

2/ Jim eats out too much!!

Why do these two problems exist? I need to be more organized. More meal planning. And not just suppers.... I must include breakfast and lunches too for hubby. Jim said he was going to eat honey nut shredded wheat for breakfast - need to get back on track.

This is a process. By writing things down here it keeps me on my toes. I don't know if I'm writing this just to write this or if someone is reading. I do need to be held accountable.
Jim and I need to become better stewards of our money. God has blessed us over and over again. We must take better care of what we have.


Amy said...

I need to do this. I think it would/does help to see exactly where the money is going.

Allow your dear husband one day (either once a week or every two weeks, depending on your finances) to go out to lunch. Brown bag it the rest of the time.

Anonymous said...

This is more of a supply chain problem. Personally shredded wheat without milk is a bit dry for my taste!

letterstoelijah said...

Amy... I was amazed at how often and how much money I was spending Piggly Wiggly. I thought.. it's only $11 or $18.. but if you do it everyday! Wow! Try it - it will show you areas you need to work on. Good Luck - I struggle everyday.

Anonymous said...

My husband used to eat out at lunch a lot too. Obviously, he gets to choose what he eats, but he lets me help out. He keeps a big jar of peanut butter and some honey at work, and I buy a loaf of sandwich bread for him to take, and he can just make a sandwich when he wants one. I've

I asked Doug to pick up a couple of things on his way home from work, and it was like $10. I'm always surprised how quickly it adds up.