July 2, 2008

Can you tell the difference?

I got this pretty plaque at Hobby Lobby for $2 on clearance! I thought it would fit in with my new bathroom color. The blue was a bit too bright. I first tried to stain it with tea. It didn't really take. I look through our laundry room (which is really our "catch all" room) and found a can of stain. I don't think it was ever used. I'm pretty happy with the results. Can you tell the difference? How does it look against the yellow wall? I need more accessories in the bathroom. Time to surf the net for inspiration.

Grocery Spending:
Piggly Wiggly $31.89
Piggly Wiggly $65.18

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1 comment:

Jim King said...

I can tell the difference - looks better! Hey.. $2..good deal.