This is not healthy and really doesn't help anyone - it certainly doesn't help me.
Last week I started to read a terrific new series at Simple Mom entitled The 6 Keys to a Disorganized, Unproductive Day at Home. Tip #2 was Neglect Yourself This post had my name all ever it.
Too often I put myself at the at the end of the food change in the King household. I honestly think it makes me a better Mom. How messed up is that? I understand the concept of "if Momma ain't happy, nobody happy" but feeling guilty if I put myself before others. I find it hard to balance being a good Mom and being selfish.
I asked myself - how can I not neglect myself today. Here is what I came up with - get out of the house, alone. Get my hair cut! I went to a wonderful new Aveda spa th

Too often I wait to cut my hair, buy new shoes, or go out for lunch with a friend. The rest of the family does these things. They will survive with out me, right?
Do you neglect yourself? How do you give yourself some "me" time?
I have been following this series, also. It truly is great advice. Yes, I do neglect myself. But I am trying best to my financial ability to change the behavior.
I found an Aveda spa near by too. I am considering a visit there soon, after the bills are paid, clothes for back to school are bought, school supplies purchased, and debt paid down.
hmmmm, maybe I should re-prioritize!
I'm guessing that heaven smells like an Aveda spa!
So do you like the new hair color... a little red :)
yes, I like!
you'd be so proud. I am due some extra money from work. Without hesitation, I booked an appointment at the Aveda spa near me for my daughters and I to go to get a nice haircut.
we've been going to a gal that cuts out of her house. She's great, but it is not the same. She talks on the phone, yells at her son and it is just kinda crazy.
I'm really looking forward to this but now have to cancel my appointment with our usual gal. She's not going to be happy : (
oh, well.
That's awesome! It's so relaxing! You will have to send picture of the finished product!
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