I am not able to attend our woman's bible study at church because of our current car situation. I thought God may have a different plan for me. I thought maybe He was challenging me to start a new bible study.
I went bold. I asked Elijah's preschool teacher if I could put a note in the children's back packs asking if they were interested in a bible study. The teacher was excited and thought it was a great idea.
It read: Want something fun to do while your child is in preschool? Let's start a bible study. If interested call Eli's Mom, Dana at (insert phone number)
That was almost 2 weeks ago. No one responded. Not one. I was disappointed.
Elijah attends a Christian preschool. I have to assume that a majority of these parents are Christian. There are 20 kids in his class. Was it wrong for me to assume that 2 or 3 Moms would be interested. But not one.
What's wrong with this? Do these Moms practice their faith only on Sundays? Could they just be shy? I thought this would be easy.
Don't most woman attend a bible study? Do you?
yesterday's soda intake: none :)
You know we send our two older boys to a private Christian school but we are not Christian - I think a lot of people end up in our situation because a lot of the regular schools aren't as good. So maybe some parents are like us?
Or maybe some of the moms already have other commitments during that time?
I have some friends who do online book clubs. I know it is not at all as fulfilling but maybe there would be an online bible study group you could join until you are able to find another one you can attend? And don't give up hope, you never know when a mom might respond to your request out of the blue or maybe some women at church would be interested?
If I lived anywhere near you I'd attend - even if my kids aren't in preschool!
I attend a study on Wednesday evening, and every other week, Chicka-Doodle comes with me to the church's (not our church home)kids' program because Dad & Goose are at a Scout meeting.
You are amazing for opening your heart up welcoming Mom's to a study with you.
Ah, that's just what I need about now....can I come even though I don't have a preschooler?
Dana, don't despair, they may not have seen the note, or put it aside to think about, or maybe they have small ones at home. Keep trying, it's a goal that's worthwhile!
no can do right now - not a good excuse though - just life. I can imagine your disappointment though.
I'm sorry you were disappointed. Unfortunately, these are busy times and most people just don't make Bible study a priority. My advice to you--keep persevering. Does the teacher have a phone or e-mail list? Maybe a personal invitation would work! Or maybe God is telling you to wait a while. Either way, don't lose your connection with Him!
I sure do attend a Bible study...okay I lead one but I'd attend if I didn't lead. I agree...don't give up! Try again and maybe talk with a few people personally. Good luck!
sorry, Dana. I do go to one on Tuesday mornings. I hope you can find a group of women to study and fellowship with!
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