As long as the earth endures, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease. Genesis 8:22

What a fun planting year! I don't have much of a green thumb. There were some frustrating times. Overall, however, I did enjoy this year and the harvest it brought, small as it was.
Way back in April we started with little seeds. I was hopeful for the pumpkins and sunflowers. Today I want to share this bounty with you.

Have you started to harvest yet? Do you decorate with your harvest?
yesterday's soda intake: none
nice pumpkin harvest!
mine - not so good. everything is so late here this year.
Very nice! Bet the kids are excited about all those pumpkins. We had some fun with harvest this week too, although it was at a farmer's stand, not our own garden!
Man these photos make me wish I had a garden! How lovely! And hopefully no deer attacks anymore :)
And thanks for your comment on my blog today. Your comments never upset me. They actually make me feel really good because although we might differ some politically you still get something out of my blog (and vice versa) and I think that is pretty darn cool.
Your little guy is getting so big!
Those photos made me wish I had a pumpkin patch! And that I grew sunflowers. Love that enormous sunflower head (or whatever you call it). How cool.
Fall decorating is on my list for the weekend. I hope to get our front door area spiffed up and festive.
I just love the picture of your little boy by the harvest! Your pumpkins are wonderful and it will be fun planting the seeds next spring!
Oh Kelli - I don't know if I'll do pumpkins again next year. They were a lot of work - and stress! The vines took over the yard... they got about 25 feet long!
I love the final result - but those deer!
Thank yyou
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