A crime? Yes! After you read how these are made you will agree!
These are perfect for a dessert at a dinner party. They are so easy to make. If you are not a pie maker - try these!

Roll each apple slice in a single serving of cresent roll.

2 Granny Smith apples
2 cans crescent rolls
2 sticks butter
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 teaspoons vanilla
1 small can Mountain Dew
Peel and core apples. Cut apples into 8 slices each. Roll each apple slice in a crescent roll. Place in a 9 x 13 buttered pan. Melt butter, then add sugar and barely stir. Add vanilla, stir, and pour over apples. Pour Mountain Dew around the edges of the pan. Sprinkle with cinnamon and bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes. Serve with ice cream, and spoon some of the sweet sauces from the pan over the top.
Mountain Dew? Really? You have my curiosity up now. I may just have to try these for Thanksgiving!
Ester.. these are to die for! Super Sweet!
The Mountain Dew is throwing me off . . . that's so weird! They look super yummy though!
I agree with the others - what the heck does the mountain dew do?
The mountain dew helps create the sauce at the end. Have you ever made cola chicken? You use pepsi or coke.. good stuff!
I know it sounds weird - but trust me.. it's so good!
Sorry.. I was logged in as the weld guy.. that's what I use for testing at work.
We've gotten a few people hooked on these--including ourselves!
Looks delicious!
Yum! I've seen a recipe similar to this before. Never tried it but I might have to.
Mountain Dew? Fascinating.
GASP! The content of this blog is not suitable for all ages.. of dieters! haha Looks yummy but if your going big, you better top it off with some soy Ice cream while your at it.. you know, to round out the meal! :)
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