5 Ways to keep cool in Disney World in the Summer
Part 1 of a 4 part series on tips for visiting Walt Disney World
Part 1 of a 4 part series on tips for visiting Walt Disney World
Traveling to Disney World in the summer is ... well... to put it nicely.. IT'S CRAZY! It's hot - crazy hot! Here are a list of 5 things you can do to cool down at Disney. I traveled from August 24-29th - it average over 100 degrees and humidity!
1. Invest in a fan/mister bottle. These are available at most drug stores for under $10. Currently Disney World sells them for $17 - trust me, in the heat you don't care how much they are! Also invest in a clip-on fan. They are great for strollers! I got mine on clearan

2. Wear a cooling bandana. I had never heard of these things - my sister that li

Grandma wearing a cooling bandana
3. Stay hydrated! All around Disney World are places to purchase cool drinks right out of a tub. The cool beverages are surrounded by chunks of ice! Ice is your best friend in this heat. Don't be afraid to hang on to for a while :) Cost = Free .
..and you know how I feel about that!!! :)
Try to stay away from caffeinated beverages - water is best. Don't forget to push the liquids on the little ones too! Elijah craved water t

My niece with the "magic ice ball"

4. Wherever there is a place you can get wet: take advantage of it! All over Disney are sprayers and misters. Have fun with it. Don't worry about getting wet - you'll be dried by the heat in no time!

5. If you are a male - get a cool hair cut! I wonder if they wear their hair like this all the time? :)
I asked these Disney guests if I could take their picture - they loved the attention!
Bonus Tip to keep Cool at Disney World: Go in the Winter :)

Dana -
Great advise!! =)
And it looks to be that Sara's wounds are healing nicely. How's she feeling?
hehehe...loved your bonus tip!
I agree with the bonus tip, too - also nice that there are less people!
I read through all four parts of your advice. Excellent suggestions. We make a day out of Disney typically three to four days a month. Gives me exercise.
I hope that you enjoyed your trip!
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