Kitchen Before: First time painting my kitchen. I hated the stenciled border when we moved into the house back in 2003

Kitchen After: my kitchen with a fresh sage colour (next summer I hope to tackle the cupboards)

Front Hallway Before: nasty wall paper and 70's paneling.
Front Hallway After: paint with a bright hay colour. (we also have a new front door, transom window and light fixture - someday the floor with come too)

Before Bathroom: nasty 80's wallpaper
Bathroom Before: that wall paper took
forever to take off!!!
Bathroom cupboards before and after: have to love paint!
Bathroom After: love the new colour!

Your after pictures look great! I agree, paint is awesome.
Thanks for stopping by for a visit. The grapes I grew are Concord. They are easy to grow. We planted them three years ago next to a fence. I have helped them weave through the fence to train them a few times, but other then not I have done nothing.
You do have to be patient. This is the third year for our vine and our first harvest.
Looks very nice! Home Improvements are very satisfying, I think. Go Pack!
You've been busy! It looks great!
Nice renovations! I looovvveeee the way it feels to be in a new, fresh room!
Love the paint colors you have picked for all the rooms...light and fresh and NO WALLPAPER! I know wallpaper can be done well...but most times it's not. Great job on the home improvements and kudos for doing it yourself!
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