Just a few moments ago we privately sold our van. Our large driveway sits empty waiting for my husband to arrive home with our only car from work.
We are now a one car family.
Two thoughts come to my head:
1/ Wow, we are going to save a lot of money! Yeah! We had a 2006 Saturn Relay minivan - our payments were almost $400/month plus insurance. All that money is going to help pay off our debt.
2/ Wow, we only have one car! If I want the car during the day I need to drive Jim to work. I NEED to get more organized.
This is going to be a big transition.
We are open to maybe getting a second car again - we want to try and see how this works for us.
Does your family only have one car?
wow, I am most impressed. I hope it works out for you. I wish we could get away with that. My husband does take a vanpool to work. And, I work from home 2 days a week. How far does your husband work from home?
Jim works about 20 minutes from home. Eli is starting preschool next week - so I will be taking Jim to work Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays. Everything will have to be done only on those 3 days.
Sara takes the school bus this year. I know we will be putting the miles on in the car.. that is kind of a bummer.
I wish we could do that too! We definitely need two cars, and since both are paid off, I guess it's okay! :) I'll be curious to see how this works! I hope it's a huge success because there is a huge potential savings!
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Good for you guys! It'll probably be a struggle until you get into an established routine, but if it helps get you out of debt sooner, I think it's a small sacrifice at this point. Like you say, it's a matter of getting organized. I can't say whether a one car household is better because I don't have kids and have only a 27-yr old truck to contend with.
Good luck!
We only had one car for a while, and while it required organization, it was worth it. I would love to be able to go back to one car again, but just don't know how we'll do it.
I think that you'll find that you save even more than $>400/month, just by not having the car it will force you to think more frugally.
We have to have two cars because of the fact that Dan is a pastor and has to travel at the blink of an eye. But good for you guys to work it out! Congrats on saving money!
Hey, when you lived over here you only had one car! You can do it, again. It'll be ok. You could always get a horse. No, they cost money, too.
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